NC Pre-Kindergarten is a readiness initiative that is proven to help four-year-olds gain the basic skills needed for success in elementary school. Children who were four years of age on or before August 31, 2023, are eligible to apply for the 2023-2024 program, which is free to qualifying families. A high priority is placed on serving children who are at-risk. A child is considered to be at-risk if the child’s family is at or below 75% of the state median income level or if a disability has been identified. Enrollment is also open to students who have limited English proficiency, developmental differences, chronic health conditions, or a parent who is an active member of the military.

NC Pre-K Application Checklist
A completed NC Pre-K application must include the following documents:
Child’s birth certificate
Child's immunization record
Income Verification (examples: one month of pay stubs, W2, unemployment documented on application)
Proof of Residency (examples: water bill, telephone bill, electric bill)
Completed NC Pre-K Application
Parents interested in applying for the NC Pre-K program may print the application and medical forms from the links below or contact us by clicking on "Learn More."